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Vietnamese steamed rice rolls (BANH CUON)


Rice crepes:
200g of rice flour
100g of tapioca flour
650mL of room temperature water
1 tablespoon of oil
1 big pinch of salt

300g of ground pork shoulder
3 Chinese black mushrooms, rehydrated and chopped
1 finely chopped shallot
1 finely chopped onion
1 tablespoon of Hoa Nam brand fish sauce
1 level teaspoon of granulated sugar

400g of bean sprouts
1 bundle of fresh cilantro
3 tablespoons of fried onions
200g (or more depending on preference) of Hoa Nam brand Vietnamese meatloaf (Gio) of your choice
Hoa Nam brand fish sauce


In a bowl, mix the rice flour, tapioca flour, and salt in the room temperature water. Add the oil and mix. Let rest for about 30 minutes.
Wash the dried Chinese black mushrooms and soak in room temperature water for 20 minutes.
Wash the fresh cilantro and discard the ends of the stems.
Slice the Vietnamese meatloaf in thin strips and place on a plate with the sprigs of cilantro.
Grind the pork, if not already ground. Finely mince the rehydrated black mushrooms, onion, and shallot.
In a hot pan with a bit of oil, sauté the shallot and onion. Add the pork, fish sauce, and sugar. Sauté for 10 minutes over medium heat, add the black mushrooms and continue to mix for 5 minutes.
To make the rice crepe, use the same technique as you would for any traditional crepe. Put the crepe onto a sheet of oiled foil paper and place however much filling you want on top. Fold in the sides and roll.
Repeat for the rest of the batter.
Serve the crepes with the slices of Vietnamese meatloaf and bean sprouts, and sprinkle fried onion on top. Spoon fish sauce over top to taste, and enjoy!





Average price

Preparation time

75 min


5 people

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